The Catholic Diocese of Moshi is situated in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania, East Africa.
The Diocese stretches along the slopes and low plains of volcanic mountain Kilimanjaro, covering an area of 5,029 sq Km. The Diocese of Moshi was officially inaugurated on March 25, 1953.
Geographical Location of Moshi - Tanzania

Tanzania, officially the United Republic of Tanzania, is a country in East Africa situated within the African Great Lakes region.
Capital: Dodoma
Currency: Tanzanian shilling
Continent: Africa
Population: 49.25 million (2013) according to World Bank
Official languages: Swahili, English
Kilimanjaro stands 205 miles south of the equator, on the northern boundary of Tanzania and Kenya. Its location on an open plain close to the Indian Ocean, and its great size and height strongly influence the climate, vegetation and animal life.
According to the World Population Review, Tanzania has a very low median age with more than 44.8% of the population under 15; 52% between 15 and 64; and just 3.1% over the age of 64. The country also has an incredibly diverse population with more than 120 ethnic groups.
The Catholic Diocese Moshi is located on the North-East of Tanzania; Covering the whole arable volcanic land of Mt. Kilimanjaro which is the highest mountain in Africa [The roof of Africa-5,895 meters (19,340 feet)]. The total population is approximately 1.4 Million, of whom 71.9% Catholic Christians. The Diocese covers 5 political districts: Rombo, Moshi Rural, Moshi Urban Hai and Siha.

Rt. Rev. Ludovick Minde, Bishop of Moshi; 199 Diocesan Clergy, 51 Religious priests: 54 Brothers 857 CDNK Sisters [Diocesan Order], 1,129 Sisters of other religious orders
Diocesan: 58 Parishes, 82 Outstations, 1 Diocesan Seminary (St. James Junior Seminary), 1 University (Mwenge Catholic University), 2 Nursing Colleges (Huruma and Kibosho), 16 Vocational Training Centers: 32 Catholic Secondary (High) Schools; 117 Pre-Primary Schools; 4 Hospitals: Huruma, Kibosho, Kilema, & Ngoyoni; 39 Dispensaries; 1 Philosophicum Seminary - Kibosho Philosophicum Major Seminary (Under Tanzania Episcopal Conference).
Other institutions run by different religious Orders:
One Hospital - St. Joseph - Soweto, under CDNK Sisters, Two Junior Seminaries (Maua Junior Seminary -Franciscan) and Uru Junior Seminary (Apostle of Jesus), Don Bosco Major Seminary, Brothers of Christ the Redeemer-Kilacha (Diocesan Order); Fransiscan Capuchin Friars; Jesuits Fathers; Brothers of Christian Instructions; Sisters of Our Lady of Kilimanjaro - CDNK, (Diocesan order), Holy Spirit Sisters ALCS/OSS, Fransican Capuchin Sisters; Sisters of the Charity of Charles Boromeo: Urusuline Sisters; Evangelizing Sisters of Mary; Assumption Sisters: Sisters Convent of Our Lady of Usambara; COLU Sisters-: Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph: Holy Cross Sisters: Sisters of the Queen of Africa; Sumbawanga Sisters; Sisters of St. Joseph; The Grail Sisters.